Sylvania Township Police

4927 Holland-Sylvania Rd.

Established January 1, 1960. Police and related staff moved to a new facility at 4420 King Road in late 1990.

1989 Ford Crown Victoria

The first patrolmen were Leslie M. Paschen, Ernest Hall, Carl Hovey, Charles H. Warnke and Clifford Keeler, and Gerald Ganzel (Head of the Department). A used car, equipped with a radio, was provided to Ganzel. Part-time help had to use their own vehicles.

“Sylvania Township Trustees took final steps this week to get the new township police department rolling so that it could begin operations as of January 1. At a special meeting, at which County Court Judge Ira Bame, who hears cases in the township, was a guest, the trustees approved the hiring of the former constables as part time policemen to assist newly appointed Township Police Administrator Gerald Ganzel. At Judge Bame’s suggestion, the five will no longer be known as “constables” since action by the state legislature last year virtually eliminated elected constable forces per se. Hereafter, they will be known as officers or patrolmen”Sylvania Sentinel Herald. January 7, 1960.

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Sylvan Motel, 6155 W. Central Ave.

Was located on the southeast corner of Central Avenue and Moffat Rd. Later named Northern Keys Motel (1956). Demolished late ’70s/early ’80s. Site status: Brown Honda.

“Beautiful Sylvan Motel, 11 ultra-modern units. Soundproof, fireproof, private showers, central heat. Permastone buildings. AAA approved Motel. Excellent new restaurant adjacent, serving fine foods. Phone LU 2-3296. Three miles west of Toledo, Ohio, on Route U.S. 20 and Ohio 120.”

4-29-1975 article regarding Joseph E. Wietrzykowski


5821 W. Central Ave.

Woolco was located in the Toledo West Shopping Center on the south-east corner of Central Avenue and Holland-Sylvania. Woolco opened in 1972 and closed January 1983. Became a Hills Department Store in 1983. Hills closed in 1999, Became an Ames store for a short time. Shopping center also included a Jo-Ann Fabrics, Lane Drug Store (later Peoples Drug Store), and Kroger (on the far east end). Entire shopping center was demolished 8/2002. Site status: Walmart.

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