Home Cafe, 5102 Alexis Rd.

There have been various Home Cafe’s in Lucas County over the years. One at 518 Adams (1903) and one at 811 Jefferson (1925) in downtown Toledo, and another very near this one at 4421 Alexis (1954).

Our Home Cafe appeared on the first floor of the two-story building on the right in 1961. As a kid I passed by this building on occasion and I appreciated it’s rough and always old-timey appearance. Some “enhancements” were attempted in later years.

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Whit’s End – 3557 Airport Highway

Whit’s End was a live music venue located on the southwest corner of Airport Highway and Fries Avenue. Whit’s End was owned by Frank Pertz and was previously known as Diego’s Restaurant and Cantina (pre-1993). Closed c2000. Became Club Baja for some time. Building demolished c2015. Mobile Lube Express currently occupies the site.

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